Monday 10 May 2010

Oh dear, someone let Britain have an election again...

Seriously, what. Apart from the fact I was deprived of my democratic right despite Jaques getting his postal ballot in Israel (note he is in the same constituency), and the brilliant discrepancy in the votes cast to the seats gained, what really annoys me is the media (for which read BBC as there is no other media, right?) reaction to the election. Basically the British people have screwed up by serving up this unpalatable result. Yes, those idiots should have known this was going to happen and voted differently. Well, they will get what they deserve! Also, can I be the only one thinking that Nick Clegg + David Cameron is better than David Cameron + David Cameron? PERHAPS. Anyway, considering that most other European Nations have had species of proportional representation for years, our terror at the mere thought of coalition agreements seems sort of cute.

I am still alive over here, and infinitely glad to be able to switch off the news whenever I want and remain blissfully unaware of the latest political bowel movement, or whatever it is that is happening on News 24 right now. Last week was the European Geosciences Union conference, so many UCL geoscientists were in Vienna. This was a cause for great celebration and beer in the Siebenstern brewery, and I caught up with 2 PhD student friends of mine (demonstrators quickly become your friends in the Geology department, due to the joy of field trips). It was really great to see them and get some department gossip, and also meet some other members of the department who I only really knew by sight. Geologists are absolutely the most fun scientists you could find yourself with in a bar, I am pretty sure. There's even a section of American Dad honouring them I believe.

I had an exam on friday. I spent hours and hours revising but my 20 sides of coloured A3 notes where once again proved foolish by the 30 minute test I took. I am not annoyed at the university any more, I am annoyed at my inability to readjust myself to the new system and not waste time I could have spent learning yet more things... Ho hum.

Sunday was way better, after a day or two moping around with an unseasonal and annoying cold, I felt better and the sun was bright, so I headed out for a walk in the hills next to Vienna. And by next to, I mean I reached them with a 30 minute public transport ride from my door. I use this word far too much but the scenery out there is just beautiful. And made all the prettier by the incredible fact that for the most part you are still just on the border with Vienna, and even inside it. If I was in London, it would be like going for a hike in Brixton or something, distance wise...
Anyway, I indulged in my absolute favourite pastime, looking at stuff from high up. Pictures ---> SO COOL

Der Tom.

1 comment:

  1. Why wouldn't they send you a postal ballot?

    The greatest thing for me about the whole political bleurgh going on in the UK is watching the way the Israelis are reacting to it; if they're not confused about the British reaction to the idea of coalitions, they're discussing the various parties with reference to Israel as the most important thing in the election. It's hilarious.
