Thursday 29 April 2010

T-Shirt weather!

Finally the nice weather has returned, I think we have just about reached the point where one can walk out the door wearing no more layers than a T-shirt and expect to be warm most of the time (except for during the random outbreaks of torrential rain, but I guess they come with the warmth). This is quite a good thing, obviously.

These past few weeks have been pretty leisurely, I am enjoying for once being a mere spectator to the plainitive cries of those stuck in the revision mill, even if the prospect of most people I know finishing exams 1 month before my last lecture is slightly daunting. I have to remind myself that just because I haven't been given a big long holiday in which to freak out about exams, doesn't mean I don;t have any. Even if one of them IS a multiple choice exam. You know, before university the last multiple choice exam I did was probably the 11+, this is the second time I've had one at university... To be fair, this is only a fragment of one course unit. A weird fragmentary effect tends to occur with many courses consisting of sets of lectures by 4 different people. When this leads to 4 separate exams this can be pretty annoying. As far as I can guess this is further evidence for my theory that you're probably supposed to read deeply about the small number of things you're actually interested in and coast through the rest. I'm not really into that attitude, but I will see what I can do. A lot of the exams would mormally be held in september, which is a it rubbish for me, as I will have to fit them in before I leave.

On leaving: If you had asked me a couple of months ago if I was ready to leave in 2 months, I think I might have said yes,but now spring/summer are here I'm not so sure. Chatting with Ash about London has realy brought to the forefront of my mind how amazing it is to live somewhere this pleasant, in weather as much as architecture or people, and I think it will make the walk back from Manor House to 80 Warwick Gardens (if that is indeed where I end up living) on an overcast day in October just that little bit more forbidding. Ho hum, that's what you get for daring to widen your horizons I guess!

Speaking of 'widening my horizons', (which is in itself one of those beautiful school foreign language lesson catch-all phrases that can be used to pepper oral or essay work at will), I have a feeling my grand TV experiment may be working. Ever the scientist, I cannot be sure whether to attribute my recent improvement in German to watching TV almost every day, to some kind of psychological factor where I think I should be getting better so I do, or something else entirely, of course. It helps that I am practising regularly with Ruth on our now twice weekly climbing trips to the Haus des Meeres Flakturm. When Hitler ordered the building of these concrete behemoths, I doubt he imagined he was creating opportunities for future climbing wall-sea life centre combos... I must remember to take my camera one day. And subsequently remember not to drop it from a 30m climbing wall...

Hmm, I gues there are many half finished thoughts that have drifted in and out of my head in the last few weeks, but I can't remember them now thus they are by definition unimportant.

Enjoy your election hype, Britain fans!


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