Saturday 17 October 2009

My wish is my command, apparently.

So last time I wrote, I was all 'phew, I should do less stuff'. Clearly the world heard my plea, as this week I got ill for a few days and was unable/ more correctly unwilling, to do much more than lie around watching films. I managed to go to all my essential (ie 3rd year) lectures though, so I didn't suffer in that respect.

So, brief summary: Monday, did nothing except go in for a lecture that didn't exist (d'oh), and registered for the library (hurrah!). Tuesday, went in for a lecture starting at 8.30 to find it started at 8.45, causing brief paranoia that lectures were moving rooms to avoid me when I found the door was locked... After sitting through my 2 lectures, went home as felt rather weak. Thereafter lay around, remembered that my good friend William had left his hard drive of movies in my room, then watched the Matrix parts 2 + 3. As he later commented, of all his movies it was an odd choice but I didn't want anything too emotional and complicated (or at least with complications I cared about paying attention to). I found them more enjoyable than the torrent of scorn that has been poured on them in they years since their release would imply, but perhaps only because the bright sheen of hopeful expectation has long since blown away in the force of the inevitable light breeze of mild disillusionment (or some other I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue inspired phrase).

Wednesday watched the entire first series of 'Flight of the Conchords'. BRILLIANT. I dislike musical comedy, but these guys have the perfect touch, they are taking the piss out of whole genres of music while at the same time really respecting them, and they have created a pair of likeable but ridiculous characters. I especially like the episodes where typical sitcom/soap stereotypes get turned around, such as when protagonist Brett is used for sex by a deceiving american woman who claims she will be posted to Iraq the next day, or when both are subject to extreme anti New Zealand racism by their indian fruit seller.

Thursday is Lecture Day(TM). It appears my assumptions about the course I thought was just a rerun of something I did in 2nd year were somewhat wrong, about which I am excited and grateful. However I am definitely going to need to get some textbook reading going ASAP. Hydrogeology was fun, but not too difficult. Petrology was really complicated but super fantastic. This will not mean anything to non geologists, but my first lecture exlained exactly how we get those phase diagrams that we've been seeing since first year. The explanation was so simple in appearance yet it leads to very complicated things and I am glad other people do the maths for me at this stage, but still. So cool! Later did some late night film watching and music listening with a friend, Lola Rennt is still a genius film, and Tim, if you're out there, I listened to a Tom Waits song and it wasn't so bad! I played them the Fiery Furnaces and they didn't hate that, which is pretty much a first.

Friday did absolutely nothing, apart from watching vintage Terry Gilliam film '12 Monkeys'. Kind of cool, and not what you'd expect from a film featuring Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis as leads. Those guys have serious act power.

Today's plan: work then party. So simple to write, so hard to do...

Der Tom

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