Thursday 1 October 2009


Nothing to do with me personally (apart from that it was found on some geology blogs), the link below is to a site where US science teachers in poor schools put up posts detailing exactly what projects they would like to do with their students, and why, and exactly what they will cost. Donors can then get the feeling that they are helping progress to a small but easily defined goal, and nobody is going to run off with their money and spend it on a new coffee machine or something. I think it is an amazing idea.

However, looking at the site I find myself quite shocked that it should even be necessary to have a program like this. It really brings home just how poorly equipped some kids in america are to learn science, and I can't help but think that this must contribute to the fact that supposedly under half the US population 'believe' in evolution. (I don't want to even start on the question of whether evolution should have to be 'believable; rather than merely 'proven', but yeah.)

Schools in the program that are classified as 'high poverty' have at least 40% of children claiming free school meals. To claim free school meals the family income (for a family of 4) has to be below $23,920. So over 40% of children at these schools come from families where the yearly income is less than £3750 per person.

Of course, I have no idea what the corresponding facts are for the UK. Basically, I just think it is a cool way to run a donation website.

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