Friday 25 September 2009

A photo blog: the Prater

I have now fulfilled almost all of the small administrative quests set before me (except the now rather pressing one of actually being able to apply for any modules, hmmm...). I have an Ausweis (uni ID card), made rather charmingly out of cardboard, a real photo, glue and a sticker. I have registered with the authorities. I have my 4 month all travel anytime pass (less than 120 pounds!!!). So, today I thought I would explore more fully the magnificent park near my halls called the Prater. I also thought I would take some photos.

First up we have this crazy ball shaped house. This is Das Kugelmugelhaus (seriously!), roughly translated as the ball on a hillock house. Not only does it have an awesome name, note the the barbed wire! You are looking at the entirety of the self declared Republic of Kugelmugel, which has been in existence in the Prater for over 25 years, and as of 2008 claimed around 600 citizens. The big plaque on the left explains how the thieving corrupt mayor of Vienna in the 80s reneged on his deal to provide the house/ country with power, water and sewage piping, and how he and his successor are not to be trusted. The one on the right reads (in german) 'This square (the name of which is 'Anti-Fascism Square') is dedicated to the great democratic revolutionary leader Edwin Lipburger, who has here begun to get rid of the old morals, and to identify and fight all forms of corruption behind every mask'. Cool, huh?

This little dude is telling you to clean up your dog's doings. Around the picture of the poo it says 'Sind dir Wurst?', which as far as I can tell means 'do these look like sausages to you?'

The differing landscape of the Prater, grass and honest to god woodland.

The best pic of a squirrel I took. They are small and fast. This one is notable for it's dark brown coat and white belly.

Arty stuff above.

A crow. Crows here are hooded, like in scotland, but also seem larger. Other birdwatching news: saw a Nuthatch (10 points if you know what one is) and probably also a woodpecker.

I'm pretty proud of these 3. It is important to note that the Prater combines not only 4.5 straight kilometres of park (with a specially paved central shady walk designed to be easy on the joints of runners, with water fountains at regular intervals, if you like that sort of thing) but also a large permanent funfair AND the aforementioned woodland etc.

Et finalement, the obligatory tourism shot of the 'Riesenrad'/big wheel. A little bit more old school than the London eye, but no less impressive.

Well, that was fun. Stay tuned for next time, when I don't make your poor computer work as hard.


  1. Sorry if the captions go everywhere but I never learnt anything about this web thing, so I haven't the clever html knowhow to make them all stick right.

  2. Your squirrel is impressive. Send me your address.

  3. Exciting translation update: a person that actually studies German has suggested that as Mir's Wurst (lit: to me it is sausages) is a colloquial way of saying 'I don't care/it's all the same to me', 'Sind dir Wurst' would mean 'does it matter to you?'. Thanks Tracy!
