Sunday, 8 November 2015

Sturm in Gumpoldskirchen

On the one hand its ridiculous I'm still posting photos I took in September, but on the other hand it is pleasing, because it makes me feel as if I delivered on my resolution (renewed yearly) to make the most out of the wonderful month that is September in Vienna & surroundings. Today's brief account is the product of what is also a yearly excursion of mine, to the vineyard covered slopes above Gumpoldskirchen, in search of Sturm and various (mostly fatty) things spread on bread.

This year was particularly successful as I and my companions managed to hit on a really incredibly sunny day for our expedition. This greatly helped our enthusiasm for Sturm (that's the still fermenting grape juice full of yeast, if you weren't paying attention the last few years) and also for 'proper' wines, and we managed to visit a fair few of the numerous stands crowding the Wasserleitungsweg in the direction of Baden.

This was certainly no hiking trip, and as dusk slowly approached we made the decision to turn round and head back to Gumpoldskirchen rather than carry on the much longer walk to Baden. Right as the sun began to set behind the Wienerwald a magnificent wall of cloud began moving in from the West. Blocking out the twilight sky, the clouds took on an incredible dark blue, inky colour. The normal strong brightness contrast between clouds and ground was completely removed, and photos capturing the whole scene in one exposure became possible.

We made our way under the rapidly darkening ink-sky, gazing eastwards out from under the shelf of the clouds to see the last of the sunset far away across the Vienna basin. Sporadic rain began to fall, visible against the bright backdrop until darkness really set in just as we got back to the town.

Hope you enjoy this small set of photos taken entirely during the dramatic half an hour or so right at the end of our walk! Click ze leenk for the full set.

Bis bald!

Der Tom

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