Sunday, 14 September 2014

Vienna is beautiful

It's not that you forget that the city is beautiful. You don't stop noticing it so much as you forget that not everywhere else looks like it. The picture that springs to mind when you think 'street' becomes something very different from what it used to be. The same with 'park', and many other things. The best thing to counteract this sort of effect is of course travel. You can go somewhere else, then come back and see your city anew. Or you can fly in people from elsewhere, and vicariously enjoy their reactions to things that have become familiar.

Sometimes, nobody even has to travel in real life at all. Seeing your city in a film is a little bit of both, looking at it through new eyes and watching the reactions of others, all wrapped up together. Recently, having known of it for a very long time, I finally got around to watching the film Before Sunrise, probably already on its way to getting called a 'classic'. A great film for many reasons that I won't go into here. One of the things it succeeded at, and the thing that drew me to the film in the first place, is its treatment of its setting, the city of Vienna. It really succeeds in showing off the best of many parts of the city, and it has helped jog me out of my complacency almost as well as a visit from a real person might.

So here are a very few photos from around Vienna in the last few months, to celebrate the fact that once the film had finished, the whole city of Vienna was still waiting for me outside the door!

Bis bald,

der Tom

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