Sunday, 6 August 2017

A stroll in Surrey

I took advantage of the easter holiday period to indulge in a brief(ish) train journey under the sea to the United Kingdom. The good thing about Easter holidays is that they are also holidays in the UK, unlike all the religious holidays in Germany that aren't bank holidays on rainy Brexit island. That meant that I could hang out with my friends in the daytime, and not just lurk in a cafe waiting for them to get off work!
My friend Tim was good enough to find a hike route for us both, and by chance it was in the vicinity of Guildford, where yet more friends of mine reside. At a slightly too early hour we boarded the train in central London, on our way to rural Surrey, our excited canine companion Widget in tow.
Meeting up with our Guildford contingent we set out, Tim expertly deciphering the navigation notes and steering us through the countryside. I personally find it rather tricky to navigate using the supposedly simple verbal instructions that usually come in walking guides, so I was very grateful for his helmsmanship, which also left me free to catch up on the last 2 years (oof) with my other friend.
Though I've not hiked extensively around Düsseldorf, I've still seen enough of the countryside round the city to have a general feel for it, and it slightly surprised me to realise that rural Surrey is actually much more remote-seeming and 'countryside-ish' than Düsseldorf's environs. I never did any 'local' hiking while still living in London, so it totally passed me by that there are some very open spaces if you head out in the right direction. I guess even in Bucks where I come from it can feel very rural, but its hard to notice that sort of thing in the place you grew up.
We passed over a great variety of landscapes: bluebell-festooned woods, shady streams, rolling fields dotted with huge ancient oaks, sandy heaths, and, finally, the sweeping curves of the tamed river Wey heading into the centre of Guildford. Just the right length of hike to work up a good hunger for a riverside pub visit!

Please enjoy the small selection of photos from this most english of walks!

Bis bald,

der Tom